Author Archives: admin

First Day School

Our meeting is committed to supporting young friends. We have recently transitioned from virtual worship to in-person worship and have not yet resumed a formal plan for First Day School. If you will contact us in advance at we would be happy to make arrangements for child care or a First Day School lesson for your children during our regular Sunday worship time. It is our custom for children under 12 to participate in meeting for the first 15 minutes, move to a different room for the rest of the full meeting and then join the teens and adults at rise of meeting when we speak of joys and concerns.

At our meeting teenagers usually attend our full meeting for worship. Our teens also participate in the Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting’s Young Friends Retreats held at meetings around the region throughout the year. For more information about Southern Appalachian Young Friends head to

The Simplicity Testimony

We will be talking about the Simplicity Testimony in First Day School this Sunday, January 25th. Simplicity is something that most of us want in our family life but it can be super hard to come by. I’ll be talking with the children about being thankful for what we have. We’ll make a gratitude log for our class and one to take home to our family. We’ll also talk about looking inside to figure out our internal “weather report,” an idea that Sarah Rudell Beach mentions in her article,  8 Ways to Teach Mindfulness to Kids. Finally, we will finish up with some yoga. Yoga can be a great way to introduce your child to the ideas of meditation and mindfulness. Please send children in comfortable clothes, with shorts underneath skirts or dresses.